What happened to the actor who played the role of Vanyushka in the film “The Fate of a Man”...

What happened to the actor who played the role of Vanyushka in the film “The Fate of a Man”... - My, Longpost, Parting, Memory, Biography, Death, Actors and actresses, Sergey Bondarchuk, Movies, Fate, Telegram (link), Soviet actors, Tragedy, Soviet cinema, People
What happened to the actor who played the role of Vanyushka in the film “The Fate of a Man”... - My, Longpost, Parting, Memory, Biography, Death, Actors and actresses, Sergey Bondarchuk, Movies, Fate, Telegram (link), Soviet actors, Tragedy, Soviet cinema, People
What happened to the actor who played the role of Vanyushka in the film “The Fate of a Man”... - My, Longpost, Parting, Memory, Biography, Death, Actors and actresses, Sergey Bondarchuk, Movies, Fate, Telegram (link), Soviet actors, Tragedy, Soviet cinema, People
What happened to the actor who played the role of Vanyushka in the film “The Fate of a Man”... - My, Longpost, Parting, Memory, Biography, Death, Actors and actresses, Sergey Bondarchuk, Movies, Fate, Telegram (link), Soviet actors, Tragedy, Soviet cinema, People
What happened to the actor who played the role of Vanyushka in the film “The Fate of a Man”... - My, Longpost, Parting, Memory, Biography, Death, Actors and actresses, Sergey Bondarchuk, Movies, Fate, Telegram (link), Soviet actors, Tragedy, Soviet cinema, People
