Izhevsk “unabombers” announced a hunt for employees of military-industrial complex enterprises. They were supported by the separatists of “Free Udmurtia”

Izhevsk “unabombers” announced a hunt for employees of military-industrial complex enterprises. They were supported by the separatists of “Free Udmurtia” - Izhevsk, Terrorism, Safety, Terrorist attack, Udmurtia, Opposition, Separatism, Longpost, Telegram (link), VKontakte (link)
Izhevsk “unabombers” announced a hunt for employees of military-industrial complex enterprises. They were supported by the separatists of “Free Udmurtia” - Izhevsk, Terrorism, Safety, Terrorist attack, Udmurtia, Opposition, Separatism, Longpost, Telegram (link), VKontakte (link)
