A puppy needs a home (Chelyabinsk). Please upvote/repost (no rating)

A puppy needs a home (Chelyabinsk). Please upvote/repost (no rating) - My, No rating, Puppies, Dog, Friend, The rescue, Longpost, In good hands, Found a dog
A puppy needs a home (Chelyabinsk). Please upvote/repost (no rating) - My, No rating, Puppies, Dog, Friend, The rescue, Longpost, In good hands, Found a dog
A puppy needs a home (Chelyabinsk). Please upvote/repost (no rating) - My, No rating, Puppies, Dog, Friend, The rescue, Longpost, In good hands, Found a dog
A puppy needs a home (Chelyabinsk). Please upvote/repost (no rating) - My, No rating, Puppies, Dog, Friend, The rescue, Longpost, In good hands, Found a dog
A puppy needs a home (Chelyabinsk). Please upvote/repost (no rating) - My, No rating, Puppies, Dog, Friend, The rescue, Longpost, In good hands, Found a dog
