The path to a dream: how disability did not stop you from becoming a developer and continuing the fight for health

The path to a dream: how disability did not stop you from becoming a developer and continuing the fight for health - Interview, Personality, Dream, Treatment, Relocation, Programming, Studying at the University, Disability group, Operation, Longpost, Telegram (link), VKontakte (link), Development of
The path to a dream: how disability did not stop you from becoming a developer and continuing the fight for health - Interview, Personality, Dream, Treatment, Relocation, Programming, Studying at the University, Disability group, Operation, Longpost, Telegram (link), VKontakte (link), Development of
The path to a dream: how disability did not stop you from becoming a developer and continuing the fight for health - Interview, Personality, Dream, Treatment, Relocation, Programming, Studying at the University, Disability group, Operation, Longpost, Telegram (link), VKontakte (link), Development of
The path to a dream: how disability did not stop you from becoming a developer and continuing the fight for health - Interview, Personality, Dream, Treatment, Relocation, Programming, Studying at the University, Disability group, Operation, Longpost, Telegram (link), VKontakte (link), Development of
