Work at a weather station in the taiga. Part 1. Snow photography

Work at a weather station in the taiga. Part 1. Snow photography - Meteorology, Winter, Snow, Observation, Work, Taiga, Longpost
Work at a weather station in the taiga. Part 1. Snow photography - Meteorology, Winter, Snow, Observation, Work, Taiga, Longpost
Work at a weather station in the taiga. Part 1. Snow photography - Meteorology, Winter, Snow, Observation, Work, Taiga, Longpost
Work at a weather station in the taiga. Part 1. Snow photography - Meteorology, Winter, Snow, Observation, Work, Taiga, Longpost
Work at a weather station in the taiga. Part 1. Snow photography - Meteorology, Winter, Snow, Observation, Work, Taiga, Longpost
