Continuation of the post “The cat Filimon, rescued from the street, is looking for a home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Not rated"

Continuation of the post “The cat Filimon, rescued from the street, is looking for a home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Not rated - My, Treatment, cat, Volunteering, Homeless animals, In good hands, Animal Rescue, No rating, Saint Petersburg, Dacha, Vertical video, Longpost, Video, Kolpino, Reply to post, VKontakte (link), Helping animals
Continuation of the post “The cat Filimon, rescued from the street, is looking for a home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Not rated - My, Treatment, cat, Volunteering, Homeless animals, In good hands, Animal Rescue, No rating, Saint Petersburg, Dacha, Vertical video, Longpost, Video, Kolpino, Reply to post, VKontakte (link), Helping animals
Continuation of the post “The cat Filimon, rescued from the street, is looking for a home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Not rated - My, Treatment, cat, Volunteering, Homeless animals, In good hands, Animal Rescue, No rating, Saint Petersburg, Dacha, Vertical video, Longpost, Video, Kolpino, Reply to post, VKontakte (link), Helping animals
Continuation of the post “The cat Filimon, rescued from the street, is looking for a home. St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Not rated - My, Treatment, cat, Volunteering, Homeless animals, In good hands, Animal Rescue, No rating, Saint Petersburg, Dacha, Vertical video, Longpost, Video, Kolpino, Reply to post, VKontakte (link), Helping animals
