Protesters against the fighting in Gaza entered the US Congress building, three were arrested for attacking law enforcement officers

Protesters against the fighting in Gaza entered the US Congress building, three were arrested for attacking law enforcement officers - Politics, news, Риа Новости, USA, Israel, Palestine, Gaza Strip (Territory), Hamas, Congress, U.S. Congress, Washington, Capitol, Video, Vertical video, Longpost, Telegram (link), Arab-Israeli Wars
Protesters against the fighting in Gaza entered the US Congress building, three were arrested for attacking law enforcement officers - Politics, news, Риа Новости, USA, Israel, Palestine, Gaza Strip (Territory), Hamas, Congress, U.S. Congress, Washington, Capitol, Video, Vertical video, Longpost, Telegram (link), Arab-Israeli Wars
Protesters against the fighting in Gaza entered the US Congress building, three were arrested for attacking law enforcement officers - Politics, news, Риа Новости, USA, Israel, Palestine, Gaza Strip (Territory), Hamas, Congress, U.S. Congress, Washington, Capitol, Video, Vertical video, Longpost, Telegram (link), Arab-Israeli Wars
