On October 4, 1985, the action film Commando directed by Mark Lester was released in the United States.

On October 4, 1985, the action film Commando directed by Mark Lester was released in the United States. - Боевики, Movies, Actors and actresses, Hollywood, Commando, Video, Youtube, Longpost, Arnold Schwarzenegger
On October 4, 1985, the action film Commando directed by Mark Lester was released in the United States. - Боевики, Movies, Actors and actresses, Hollywood, Commando, Video, Youtube, Longpost, Arnold Schwarzenegger
On October 4, 1985, the action film Commando directed by Mark Lester was released in the United States. - Боевики, Movies, Actors and actresses, Hollywood, Commando, Video, Youtube, Longpost, Arnold Schwarzenegger
On October 4, 1985, the action film Commando directed by Mark Lester was released in the United States. - Боевики, Movies, Actors and actresses, Hollywood, Commando, Video, Youtube, Longpost, Arnold Schwarzenegger
