The series "Triumph" - a victim of school bullying years later takes revenge on his offenders. Poignant drama from South Korea

The series Triumph - a victim of school bullying years later takes revenge on his offenders. Poignant drama from South Korea - My, Serials, Drama, Foreign serials, Netflix, Review, Trailer, Thriller, Drama, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series Triumph - a victim of school bullying years later takes revenge on his offenders. Poignant drama from South Korea - My, Serials, Drama, Foreign serials, Netflix, Review, Trailer, Thriller, Drama, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series Triumph - a victim of school bullying years later takes revenge on his offenders. Poignant drama from South Korea - My, Serials, Drama, Foreign serials, Netflix, Review, Trailer, Thriller, Drama, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series Triumph - a victim of school bullying years later takes revenge on his offenders. Poignant drama from South Korea - My, Serials, Drama, Foreign serials, Netflix, Review, Trailer, Thriller, Drama, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series Triumph - a victim of school bullying years later takes revenge on his offenders. Poignant drama from South Korea - My, Serials, Drama, Foreign serials, Netflix, Review, Trailer, Thriller, Drama, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series Triumph - a victim of school bullying years later takes revenge on his offenders. Poignant drama from South Korea - My, Serials, Drama, Foreign serials, Netflix, Review, Trailer, Thriller, Drama, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series Triumph - a victim of school bullying years later takes revenge on his offenders. Poignant drama from South Korea - My, Serials, Drama, Foreign serials, Netflix, Review, Trailer, Thriller, Drama, Video, Youtube, Longpost
