What has the world come to? The boy's kitten was left mutilated at the market. Looking for a home for kitten Grace

What has the world come to? The boy's kitten was left mutilated at the market. Looking for a home for kitten Grace - My, Volunteering, Kindness, In good hands, Animal Rescue, cat, Kittens, Fluffy, Homeless animals, Overexposure, Help, No rating, Animals, Pets, Negative, Cat lovers, The rescue, House, Moscow, Longpost
What has the world come to? The boy's kitten was left mutilated at the market. Looking for a home for kitten Grace - My, Volunteering, Kindness, In good hands, Animal Rescue, cat, Kittens, Fluffy, Homeless animals, Overexposure, Help, No rating, Animals, Pets, Negative, Cat lovers, The rescue, House, Moscow, Longpost
