They say today is the "Day of Silence", how are the rebels doing?

They say today is the Day of Silence, how are the rebels doing? - Memes, Picture with text, Christopher Walken, Storyboard, Riot, Peekaboo, Longpost
They say today is the Day of Silence, how are the rebels doing? - Memes, Picture with text, Christopher Walken, Storyboard, Riot, Peekaboo, Longpost
They say today is the Day of Silence, how are the rebels doing? - Memes, Picture with text, Christopher Walken, Storyboard, Riot, Peekaboo, Longpost
They say today is the Day of Silence, how are the rebels doing? - Memes, Picture with text, Christopher Walken, Storyboard, Riot, Peekaboo, Longpost
They say today is the Day of Silence, how are the rebels doing? - Memes, Picture with text, Christopher Walken, Storyboard, Riot, Peekaboo, Longpost
They say today is the Day of Silence, how are the rebels doing? - Memes, Picture with text, Christopher Walken, Storyboard, Riot, Peekaboo, Longpost
They say today is the Day of Silence, how are the rebels doing? - Memes, Picture with text, Christopher Walken, Storyboard, Riot, Peekaboo, Longpost
They say today is the Day of Silence, how are the rebels doing? - Memes, Picture with text, Christopher Walken, Storyboard, Riot, Peekaboo, Longpost
