"Fatal Music" is about sex, drugs and rock and roll. …Well, one out of three isn't that bad, is it? (part 3)

Fatal Music is about sex, drugs and rock and roll. …Well, one out of three isn't that bad, is it? (part 3) - My, Terry Pratchett, Quotes, Humor, rock music, Rock, Song, Musicians, Books, Video, Youtube, Longpost
Fatal Music is about sex, drugs and rock and roll. …Well, one out of three isn't that bad, is it? (part 3) - My, Terry Pratchett, Quotes, Humor, rock music, Rock, Song, Musicians, Books, Video, Youtube, Longpost
Fatal Music is about sex, drugs and rock and roll. …Well, one out of three isn't that bad, is it? (part 3) - My, Terry Pratchett, Quotes, Humor, rock music, Rock, Song, Musicians, Books, Video, Youtube, Longpost
