In Ufa (Bashkiria), graduate students broke a monument to the tick Valera. Act of vandalism caught on video

In Ufa (Bashkiria), graduate students broke a monument to the tick Valera. Act of vandalism caught on video - Art, Vandalism, Russia, Media and press, Ufa, Youth, High school graduation, Police, Video, Video VK, Longpost, Negative
In Ufa (Bashkiria), graduate students broke a monument to the tick Valera. Act of vandalism caught on video - Art, Vandalism, Russia, Media and press, Ufa, Youth, High school graduation, Police, Video, Video VK, Longpost, Negative
In Ufa (Bashkiria), graduate students broke a monument to the tick Valera. Act of vandalism caught on video - Art, Vandalism, Russia, Media and press, Ufa, Youth, High school graduation, Police, Video, Video VK, Longpost, Negative
In Ufa (Bashkiria), graduate students broke a monument to the tick Valera. Act of vandalism caught on video - Art, Vandalism, Russia, Media and press, Ufa, Youth, High school graduation, Police, Video, Video VK, Longpost, Negative
