The owners rented an apartment to the place with a cat to the Uzbeks. So the walking skeleton ended up on the street. We are looking for a home for a young cat Ruben!

The owners rented an apartment to the place with a cat to the Uzbeks. So the walking skeleton ended up on the street. We are looking for a home for a young cat Ruben! - My, Pets, Life stories, No rating, Animals, cat, Cat family, Kittens, Friend, Moscow, Moscow region, The rescue, Animal Rescue, Video, Vertical video, Longpost, In good hands, Paws
The owners rented an apartment to the place with a cat to the Uzbeks. So the walking skeleton ended up on the street. We are looking for a home for a young cat Ruben! - My, Pets, Life stories, No rating, Animals, cat, Cat family, Kittens, Friend, Moscow, Moscow region, The rescue, Animal Rescue, Video, Vertical video, Longpost, In good hands, Paws
