Soviet probe that conquered Venus. What do foreigners write about him?

Soviet probe that conquered Venus. What do foreigners write about him? - the USSR, Space, Cosmonautics, Venus, Soviet technology, Space probe, Иностранцы, Video, Youtube, Longpost, The science
Soviet probe that conquered Venus. What do foreigners write about him? - the USSR, Space, Cosmonautics, Venus, Soviet technology, Space probe, Иностранцы, Video, Youtube, Longpost, The science
Soviet probe that conquered Venus. What do foreigners write about him? - the USSR, Space, Cosmonautics, Venus, Soviet technology, Space probe, Иностранцы, Video, Youtube, Longpost, The science
Soviet probe that conquered Venus. What do foreigners write about him? - the USSR, Space, Cosmonautics, Venus, Soviet technology, Space probe, Иностранцы, Video, Youtube, Longpost, The science
