The series "On the Edge" is a black comedy about how to save the world from a nuclear catastrophe. Political satire of the highest standard!

The series On the Edge is a black comedy about how to save the world from a nuclear catastrophe. Political satire of the highest standard! - My, Comedy, Foreign serials, Serials, Satire, I advise you to look, What to see, Political satire, Review, Trailer, HBO, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series On the Edge is a black comedy about how to save the world from a nuclear catastrophe. Political satire of the highest standard! - My, Comedy, Foreign serials, Serials, Satire, I advise you to look, What to see, Political satire, Review, Trailer, HBO, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series On the Edge is a black comedy about how to save the world from a nuclear catastrophe. Political satire of the highest standard! - My, Comedy, Foreign serials, Serials, Satire, I advise you to look, What to see, Political satire, Review, Trailer, HBO, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series On the Edge is a black comedy about how to save the world from a nuclear catastrophe. Political satire of the highest standard! - My, Comedy, Foreign serials, Serials, Satire, I advise you to look, What to see, Political satire, Review, Trailer, HBO, Video, Youtube, Longpost
The series On the Edge is a black comedy about how to save the world from a nuclear catastrophe. Political satire of the highest standard! - My, Comedy, Foreign serials, Serials, Satire, I advise you to look, What to see, Political satire, Review, Trailer, HBO, Video, Youtube, Longpost
