The story of one repair, continued: a cabinet with a sink, organizing the space of a cramped bathroom

The story of one repair, continued: a cabinet with a sink, organizing the space of a cramped bathroom - My, Furniture, Interior Design, Homemade, Repair, Bathroom, Wash basin, Space organization, Friday tag is mine, Longpost, Interior
The story of one repair, continued: a cabinet with a sink, organizing the space of a cramped bathroom - My, Furniture, Interior Design, Homemade, Repair, Bathroom, Wash basin, Space organization, Friday tag is mine, Longpost, Interior
The story of one repair, continued: a cabinet with a sink, organizing the space of a cramped bathroom - My, Furniture, Interior Design, Homemade, Repair, Bathroom, Wash basin, Space organization, Friday tag is mine, Longpost, Interior
The story of one repair, continued: a cabinet with a sink, organizing the space of a cramped bathroom - My, Furniture, Interior Design, Homemade, Repair, Bathroom, Wash basin, Space organization, Friday tag is mine, Longpost, Interior
The story of one repair, continued: a cabinet with a sink, organizing the space of a cramped bathroom - My, Furniture, Interior Design, Homemade, Repair, Bathroom, Wash basin, Space organization, Friday tag is mine, Longpost, Interior
