Urgently looking for a home!!!Mestizo Border Collie and Dutch Shepherd puppies.Age 3 months. 2 boys and a girl

Urgently looking for a home!!!Mestizo Border Collie and Dutch Shepherd puppies.Age 3 months. 2 boys and a girl - My, In good hands, Puppies, Dog, I will give, Volunteering, Overexposure, Homeless animals, Sheepdog, Border Collie, Moscow, Moscow region, Longpost, Helping animals
Urgently looking for a home!!!Mestizo Border Collie and Dutch Shepherd puppies.Age 3 months. 2 boys and a girl - My, In good hands, Puppies, Dog, I will give, Volunteering, Overexposure, Homeless animals, Sheepdog, Border Collie, Moscow, Moscow region, Longpost, Helping animals
