We have chaps, but the French have sex, or translation difficulties

We have chaps, but the French have sex, or translation difficulties - Translation, Humor, From the network, France, Lost in translation, Sex, Longpost
We have chaps, but the French have sex, or translation difficulties - Translation, Humor, From the network, France, Lost in translation, Sex, Longpost
We have chaps, but the French have sex, or translation difficulties - Translation, Humor, From the network, France, Lost in translation, Sex, Longpost
We have chaps, but the French have sex, or translation difficulties - Translation, Humor, From the network, France, Lost in translation, Sex, Longpost
We have chaps, but the French have sex, or translation difficulties - Translation, Humor, From the network, France, Lost in translation, Sex, Longpost
We have chaps, but the French have sex, or translation difficulties - Translation, Humor, From the network, France, Lost in translation, Sex, Longpost
We have chaps, but the French have sex, or translation difficulties - Translation, Humor, From the network, France, Lost in translation, Sex, Longpost
